The Artful Lynk - Art by Lynda Krupa

Looking for a special gift? Want to decorate your own space? We’ll be happy to create an original alcohol ink and fluid art painting for you or chose from many currently available. We also have clothing designs using Lynda's very own art!

We live in an extremely complicated world right now . It's incredibly important to me that my viewers look at my art and enjoy a moment noticing the beauty and blessing in the simple things that God has surrounded us with daily. 



  My whole life I’ve been drawn to creativity. Even as a little girl, I could see a different world, full of vivid color and boundless beauty. I am naturally introverted which meant social interactions always felt uncomfortable and awkward. Instead I would spend hours drawing, coloring, & reading to escape my lonely and anxious reality. After receiving countless criticisms and negativity about my ideas of being an artist, I tucked my imagination away. But I never did lose sight of that girl, yearning to explore the artistry waiting in the wings. Many years passed with little creative outlet until I met my Husband. He saw that young artist and encouraged me to set her free. Over the last 20 years I have painted off and on for pleasure and shared my endeavors with friends. Recently, I discovered alcohol ink painting. In the first drop I felt I had found my creative calling. This was finally my medium of expression. My joy, pain, grief, and deliverance are all found in my work. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.